One View Warehouse Request Inquiry (P46270)

Access the One View Warehouse Request Inquiry application (P46270) on the Warehousing Inquiries & Reports menu (G4614). Use One View Warehouse Request Inquiry to query confirmed warehouse request information and create warehouse requests inquiry reports including related data from the Warehouse Requests (F4600) and Warehouse Requests Tag (F4600T1) tables. One View Warehouse Request Inquiry uses the One View Warehouse Request Inquiry business view (V46270A), which includes columns from the Warehouse Requests table and the Warehouse Requests Tag table.

This application provides the ability to create and run reports on current confirmed warehouse requests for a specific branch/plant and provides comparative information for putaway, picking, and replenishment requests. You can set up reports to run based on any combination of filter fields in the header of the One View Warehouse Request Inquiry form. The header filter fields include:

  • Request Status.

    Enter a code (46/PS) that identifies the current status of a putaway, picking, or replenishment request.

  • Branch/Plant.

    Enter a code that identifies a warehouse branch plant.

  • Request Confirmed Date From.

    Enter a start date for the request confirmed date range.

  • Request Confirmed Date Thru.

    Enter an end date for the request confirmed date range.

You can review warehouse requests to analyze trends with to items and the amount of time to process warehouse requests through various statuses in the movement process.