Load Bulk Volume by Shipment Depot and Date Report

The Load Bulk Volume by Shipment Depot and Date report enables you to view load information using shipment depot and date as a filter. The Total and Average Load Bulk Volume by Shipment Depot bar-line combination graph enables you to compare the total and average bulk volume for loads shipped within a specified date range from selected shipment depots. The Load Bulk Volume by Shipment Depot and Date bar graph enables you to compare the total bulk volume for loads shipped on a specific date from selected shipment depots. The Load Bulk Volume by Shipment Depot, Date, and Carrier bar graph enables you to compare total bulk volume for loads shipped by specific carriers on a specific date from selected shipment depots. The Load Bulk Volume Percentage by Shipment Depot pie chart enables you to view the percentage of total bulk volume shipped by shipment depot. The Summary of Load Bulk Volume by Date, Shipment Depot, and Carrier table shows the historical shipment data for carriers and shipment depots that are used in the charts. The Load Bulk Volume Details Table displays all the historical load bulk volume detail records that were used to create the charts for the selected shipment depots.

This report contains the following components:

  • Total and Average Load Bulk Volume by Shipment Depot (bar-line combination graph)

  • Total Load Bulk Volume by Shipment Depot and Date (bar graph)

  • Total Load Bulk Volume by Shipment Depot, Date, and Carrier (bar graph)

  • Load Bulk Volume Percentage by Shipment Depot (pie chart)

  • Summary of Load Bulk Volume by Date, Shipment Depot, and Carrier (table)

  • Load Bulk Volume Details Table