Load Distance by Shipment Depot and Carrier Report

The Load Distance by Shipment Depot and Carrier report enables you to view load distance information using shipment depot and carrier as a filter. The Total and Average Load Distance by Shipment Depot bar-line combination graph enables you to compare the total load distance and average load distance of loads shipped from selected shipment depots. The Load Distance by Shipment Depot, Year, and Month line graph displays the annual and monthly load distance that originate from selected shipment depots. The Top 5 Carriers by Distance bar graph enables you to identify the top 5 carriers based on the total distance traveled from the selected shipment depot. The Average Payable Freight per Distance by Carrier bar graph enables you to compare the average payable freight charges based on distance for select carriers originating from a select shipment depot. The Average Load Weight by Shipment Depot bubble chart enables you to plot the average load weight in relationship to the total number of loads and the average load distance. The Year and Month Summary of Distance Traveled by Carrier table shows the historical distance information for carriers and time periods that are used in the charts. The Load Distance Details Table displays all of the historical load distance detail records that were used to create the charts for the selected shipment depots.

This report contains the following components:

  • Total and Average Load Distance by Shipment Depot (bar-line combination graph)

  • Load Distance by Shipment Depot, Year, and Month (line graph)

  • Top 5 Carriers by Distance (bar graph)

  • Average Payable Freight per Distance by Carrier (bar graph)

  • Average Load Weight by Shipment Depot (bubble chart)

  • Year and Month Summary of Distance Traveled by Carrier (table)

  • Load Distance Details Table