One View DBA History Detail Inquiry (P071902)

Access the One View DBA History Detail Inquiry application (P071902) from the U.S. History Inquiries (G07BUSP14) menu or from the Canada History Inquiries (G77BCAP14) menu. Use the One View DBA History Detail Inquiry program (P071902) to analyze detail history for deduction, benefit, and accrual (DBA) transactions. The One View DBA History Detail Inquiry program uses the One View DBA History Detail (F0719-F060116-F069116) business view (V0719K), which includes columns from F060116, the DBA Transaction Detail History table (F0719), and the Payroll Transaction Constants table (F069116). This application provides a wealth of data and is extremely flexible in the types of reports that can be generated. Choose from over 150 columns in the business view to analyze your DBA history by elements such as company, business unit, and DBA number. Along with delivered reports, One View DBA History Detail Inquiry can provide a variety of reports to meet requirements for DBA history detail reporting.

One View DBA History Detail Inquiry is delivered with several predefined reports. These reports are the 401k Report, Health and Welfare Report, Wage Attachments, and DBA History Analysis. These delivered reports highlight key DBA information such as employee and employer 401k contributions, health care costs, and wage attachments due by provider. The DBA History Analysis report gives you an even broader view of your transactions by providing multiple views of the same data by company, business unit, and DBA number.