Open Vouchers

This report enables you to view information about your open voucher amounts. It provides information about your open amounts by supplier, address book category code 1, and approver. This report is helpful when trying to see, at a glance, which suppliers or approvers have the highest open amounts. Including category codes in this report helps you expand your view by a specific supplier attribute. There is a table included with the amounts shown by category code 1, approver, and supplier. This is useful to see specific supplier amounts broken down by these categories. You can see the information for a particular fiscal year, specific periods, company, business unit, approver, or supplier attribute based upon your supplier category codes.

This report contains the following components:

  • Open Vouchers by Supplier (horizontal bar graph)

  • Open Vouchers by Category Code 1 (pie chart)

  • Open Vouchers by Approver (bar graph)

  • Open Vouchers by Category Code 1, Approver, and Supplier (table)

  • Open Voucher Detail by Supplier (table)

The Open Voucher Detail by Supplier table component contains drill back functionality as described in the following table:



Table column containing drill back link

Doc Number

Table columns passed to application

Doc Number, Doc Type, Doc Company

Application called

A/P Standard Voucher Entry (P0411)

Form called


Version called
