Payments Due Within 30 Days

This report enables you to view all of your payments that are due within the next 30 days. You have access to information regarding the amounts by supplier, business unit, and approver. There is additional information on the discounts that are available for these payments. These graphs and tables include invaluable information for determining what days payments should be made to take advantage of the greatest discounts, which approver and business unit have the highest amounts to work through, and the details to go along with the charts. You can view this information for an entire company or break it down to the approver or business unit level. If you want, you can change the report to view payments due within the next 10, 60, 90, or more days.

Note: To see accurate, usable information on this report, you must perform specific data selection over the due date based on the days of the report.

This report contains the following components:

  • Top 10 Suppliers by Payments Due (horizontal bar graph)

  • Payments Due by Supplier (table)

  • Discount Available by Discount Due Date (bar graph)

  • Payments Due by Business Unit (pie chart)

  • Payments Due by Approver (pie chart)

  • Payments Due Within 30 Days (detail table)

The Payments Due Within 30 Days table component contains drill back functionality as described in the following table:



Table column containing drill back link

Doc Number

Table columns passed to application

Doc Number, Doc Type, Doc Company

Application called

A/P Standard Voucher Entry (P0411)

Form called


Version called
