Payments Overdue

This report enables you to view all the information regarding your overdue payments. Review this information by supplier, business unit, approver, and due date. This report is useful for determining how much is past due, the suppliers the payments are for, and who is responsible for approving the payments. You can see this information for your entire organization or focus on a specific company, business unit, or approver. If you consider payments overdue to be not just anything that was due by today, change your data selection to include additional dates.

This report contains the following components:

  • Top 10 Suppliers by Payments Overdue (horizontal bar graph)

  • Payments Overdue by Supplier (table)

  • Payments Overdue by Due Date (bar graph)

  • Payments Due by Business Unit (pie chart)

  • Payments Due by Approver (pie chart)

  • Payments Overdue (detail table)

The Payments Overdue table component contains drill back functionality as described in the following table:



Table column containing drill back link

Doc Number

Table columns passed to application

Doc Number, Doc Type, Doc Company

Application called

A/P Standard Voucher Entry (P0411)

Form called


Version called
