Price Comparison by Region Report

The Price Comparison by Region Report enables you to view the current base price using sales region as sorting criteria. You could use another category code associated with the item record to sort the price information. The Price Comparison by Region cluster bar chart enables you to compare the sales for items by region. This chart can help you evaluate trends in your sales cycles. The Price Comparison by Region Details Table displays the unit price for each item record that was used to create the charts sequenced by region category code and then sales catalog section category code. The system displays only the prices that are current based on the Effective From and Thru Dates and the date the report was created.

This report contains the following components:

  • Price Comparison by Region (horizontal bar graph)

  • Price Comparison by Region Details Table

The Price Comparison by Region Details table component contains drill back functionality as described in the following table:



Table column containing drill back link

Item Number

Table columns passed to application

Item Number

Application called

Base Price Revisions (P4106)

Form called


Version called
