Sales by Opportunity Report

The Sales by Opportunity report enables you to view detailed information about the number of orders created, sales revenue, and potential revenue generated based on opportunity data.

Several bar charts are available to enable you to view orders, sales revenue, and potential revenue by opportunity and by cost center.

Additionally, the Summary of Sales by Opportunity summary table enables you to view the sales summary by cost center and opportunity ID. You can also use the Sales Opportunity Details Table to analyze details associated with the sales generated from opportunities.

This report contains the following components:

  • Orders by Opportunity (bar chart)

  • Sales Revenue by Opportunity (bar chart)

  • Sales Revenue by Cost Center from Opportunity (bar chart)

  • Potential Revenue by Opportunity (bar chart)

  • Potential Revenue by Cost Center from Opportunity (bar chart)

  • Summary of Sales by Opportunity (summary table)

  • Sales Opportunity Details Table