Adding Business View Columns Using Quick Section

Open a report template in RDA.

  1. Click a detail section of the report that includes an attached business view but no fields.

  2. From the Section menu, select Quick Section.

  3. On the Quick Section form, click a required column in the Available Business View Columns list, and perform one of these tasks:

    • Click the right arrow to move the column to Selected Columns.

    • Drag the column to Selected Columns.

      You can move multiple columns to Selected Columns by using the Shift or Ctrl keys.

    • Click the right-double arrow to move all columns to Selected Columns.

  4. To remove columns, click a column in the Selected Columns list and perform one of these tasks:

    • Click the left arrow or press Delete to remove the selected column.

      You can remove multiple columns by using the Shift or Ctrl keys.

    • Click the left-double arrow to remove all columns.

  5. To change the order in which the columns appear on the report, click a column from the Selected Columns list and perform one of these tasks:

    • Click the up arrow or down arrow to move the selected column up or down one position in the list.

    • Drag the selected column to another position in the list.

    • Click the up-double arrow or the down-double arrow to move the selected column to the top or bottom of the list.

  6. Complete the layout of the section, and click OK.