Aggregate Descriptions

When you create a level break footer in a report template, you can add a description to the footer. The description is used as a label to describe the aggregates to the report readers. Depending on the level of detail the aggregates require, you can use:

  • Constant fields

    Enables you to create a static label that describes the aggregates.

    For example, a level break footer in an employee listing report calculates salary totals by department. You can add a constant field to the level break footer to include a generic label, such as Totals by Business Unit.

  • Data dictionary fields

    Enables you to create a more detailed label that describes the aggregates.

    For example, a level break footer in an employee listing report calculates salary totals by department. You can add a data item to the level break footer to include a detailed label, such as Totals for Business Unit 10. Data items require you to add an assignment in Event Rules Design to populate the data item variable.

See Working with Event Rules.

Level break footers are presented after a level break has occurred in the preceding level. When the system encounters a different value in the level break field, the system calculates and presents the information in the level break footer section. Therefore, you must consider this timing when defining event rule assignments in the level break footer section.

When a level break footer prints, the subsequent level break value is already in memory. If you use a data item as the label in a level break footer, you must use the previous business view column in the assignment. If you use business view columns in the assignment, the system fetches the subsequent level break value that is currently in memory. For example, you use the search type data dictionary field in the level break footer of a report to label the aggregates. The first group of records is for search type E and the second group of records is for search type C. You assign a value to the search type data dictionary field. If you assign the search type business view column to the data item, the search type of C appears in the level break footer for the first group of records because the C search type is currently in memory. If you use the previous business view column, the search type of E appears in the level break footer for the first group of records.