Data Selection and Sequencing

If a report or batch process contains multiple sections and takes a long time to process, check the data selection for each section. The system processes all the records in a table unless you specify otherwise.

If you want a level-one section to adopt the data selection and data sequencing from another section, you can use the Use Data Sel/SeqFromASection system function. This system function uses the data selection and data sequencing that is defined in another section.

For example, in the Oracle's JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Print Pick Slips (R42520) application, you can select from hundreds of available columns in the Sales Order Detail File (F4211) table to use in the data selection. In the first section, which is hidden and sends data to the F4211 table, the report processes commitments first, which could add rows to the F4211 table. The next section in the report displays the modified and updated F4211 table showing the committed records. Possible solutions include:

  • Using a temporary file.

  • Changing the data selection on multiple sections.

  • Using the Use Data Sel/SeqFromASection system function to adopt the data selection and data sequencing from the previous level-one section.

The Use Data Sel/SeqFromASection system function enables a detail section to adopt the data sequencing or data selection specifications from:

  • Another section in the report.

  • A different report.

The target section can adopt the data selection criteria, the data sequencing information, or both from the source section. The selection or sequencing information from the source section replaces the information contained in the specifications of the target section.

To use the Use Data Sel/SeqFromASection system function, access Event Rules Design on the target section and access the Initialize Section event. The Initialize Section event is the only event that can invoke this system function. Expand the General folder to locate and select the Use Data Sel/SeqFromASection system function. Define the parameters to indicate the report, version, and section of the source data selection and data sequencing.