Init Lvl Brk Footer Section Event

A level break occurs when a new value for the level break field is encountered. Therefore, the new level break value is held in memory at the time that the level break occurs. When the batch system calls the Init Lvl Brk Footer Section event, the values for the previous level are accessed and either summarized or totaled. For example, if you have a level break footer defined to total revenue by company, the level break footer inserts the total following all the associated records that have been processed for a specific company. The Init Lvl Brk Footer Section event is attached to the level break footer section.

If you set up multiple level break footers for a report section, the batch system processes the footers from the lowest level to the highest level. For example, if you define two level break footers, one on business unit and one on company, the system processes the aggregates for business unit first and then the aggregates for the associated company.

When attaching logic to a level break footer, attach it to the End Lvl Brk Footer Section event rather than to the End Section event.