Init Lvl Brk Header Section Event

The Init Lvl Brk Header Section event is called after a level finishes processing and the system has encountered a new value for the level break field. It is also called after the Init Lvl Brk Footer Section event if you have a level break footer defined. The Init Lvl Brk Header Section event locates the header section associated with the previous level and processes the information in the level break header.

For example, if you define a level break header and a level break footer in a report, the system processes the level break footer before the level break header, as shown in the previous Level break logic processing diagram.

If you set up multiple level break headers for a report section, the batch system processes the headers from the highest level in the report to the lowest level in the report. For example, if you define two level break headers, one on business unit and one on company, the company level break header processes first, and then the business unit level break header processes.