Kits and Configurator Feature Comparison

This table describes the features available in the kits and configurator tools:




Product structure

Single level

Multiple configured levels

Note: Product structure refers to the levels, like levels of a bill of material or the configuration tree structure, and if the items within the structure are configured.

End item identification

Single item number

Unique configuration ID

Note: End item identification refers to the identification of the final parent end item.

Order entry method

Heads-down data entry

Heads-down data entry

Order entry user interface

Static grid

Static or dynamic format

Configuration validation

No cross-reference checking performed

Boolean (If-Then-Else) logic and tables used to perform cross- reference checking

Note: Configuration validation refers to the cross-checking of components, assemblies, and configured item selections to ensure a valid configuration of the final parent end item.

Graphic confirmation

Static media object by sales order line item

Static media object by item or option

Configuration-specific calculations

No calculations

Calculations during the entry process

Work order hierarchy

Parent only; no child work orders

Multiple, multilevel work orders (parent/child relationship)

Bill of material and parts list

Defined by bill of material

Defined by assembly inclusion rules


Basic routing for the parent item

Configured routing