Kits and Configurator Tools

Kits and configurator are tools that can be used to support the order entry, manufacture, and shipment of configured items. Each tool has a niche in the manufacturing and distribution model. Having a basic understanding of these tools helps you know which tool is most appropriate to use in a given business situation.

A kit is a collection of inventory items, called components, that are associated with a parent item. The components are stocked inventory items but are sold collectively as a parent item. Kit processing assists order entry personnel in completing an accurate customer order. Kits are used in pick-to-order environments and can even be used for simple products in an assemble-to-order environment. Computers and stereo systems are examples of items that use kit processing for order entry.

The configurator is used in the pick-to-order (if relationships exist between components), assemble-to-order, and make-to-order environments. Computers and garage doors are examples of items that use the configurator for order entry.

The configuration comparison chart highlights some of the main features and differences in functionality between kits and configured items.