Bench Blend

Select the Bench Blend tab.


Enter the volume and unit of measure for the bench blend sample that you want to create.

Bench Sample No (bench sample number)

The system generates the Request New Sample button.

Sample Status

The system automatically enters a status that indicates that the sample has been created.

Sample Request Date

The system enters the current date when you request a new sample.

Prev Sample No (previous sample number) and Prev Request Date (previous request date)

When you request a sample for an output lot for which a sample has been previously been requested, the system displays the number and the request date for the previous sample

Request New Sample

Click to create a new sample for an output lot. The system generates a bench sample number, retrieves the current date and sets the sample status to a status that indicates that the sample has been created. Initially the system creates the bench blend sample in cache. You can create only one bench blend sample per session.

When you save and close the record, the system calculates the volume for each contributing input lot based on the bench volume that you enter and the value in the Percent Contributed field for the input lots. It also generates the sample numbers for the component samples and calculates their volumes. You cannot change this information.

Cancel New Sample

Click to clear the sample that you created from cache. This function does not clear any test information you might have entered.

Get Panel

Click this button in the QA Tests area to access the Search & Select for Specification form. On this form, select the tests that you want to perform on the bench blend.

You can also enter a test manually.

You can request tests only for the bench blend, but not for any additional volume samples.

Additional Sample Size and Additional Sample UOM (additional sample unit of measure)

If you want to request additional samples for the input lot, enter the additional volume and the unit of measure.

Request Additional Samples

Click to request the addition of volume for input lots. When you use this option, the system creates sample data. You can create only one sample per input lot in a session. If you change the volume and click this button again, the system updates the original sample information and does not create a new sample.

View Requested Samples

Click to access the Edit Samples form. On this form, you can review samples that have been requested in the current session.

Search for Samples

Click to access the Search for Samples form. On this form, you can review samples that were requested before the current session.

You can also access the Edit Samples and Results program (P31B901) to edit samples and test results.

See Managing Test Samples.