Understanding Lot Blending Rules

Many components, or lot attributes, make up the blend process.

You use the system to create blend lots when the blend facility receives grapes, juice, or blends, or when any operation is performed. When two or more lots are blended together to form an After To lot, the attributes for the After To lot are based on a combination of the attributes of the Before lots. Rules specific to each attribute or child entity are applied to create the attributes or child entities for the new lot. Lot blending rules apply to planned and actual lots.

The system generates a new lot number when any changes occur to a lot attribute or child entity. You can have only one lot number per vessel at any given time.

Lot blending rules exist for these attributes:

  • Blend ID

  • Material type

  • Wine status

  • End Use Reservation (EUR)

  • Owner

  • Composition

  • Accumulated additives

  • Lot comments

  • Style

  • Instructed attributes

  • Summary attributes

  • Lot numbers

  • Lot yield percent

  • Lot costs

  • Lot quality results