Instructing Vessels

Depending on the type of operation that you are creating, you need to enter From information and possibly To information for the vessels that you use in the operation. Vessel could be tanks, VBTs, bills of lading, weigh tags, or bottling vessels. For example, if you are creating an in-place operation, you only need to enter From information. However, if you are creating move operations, for example a tank-to-tank movement, you need to enter both From and To information.

When you create weigh tag and bill of lading operations, you must specify the material type. To calculate weight-to-volume and volume-to-weight operations correctly, you must specify the material type for the To vessel.

See Specifying Material Types.

As you enter VBTs, the system might resequence the list. To resequence the VBTs, click Customize Grid and create a customized view of the grid.

Note: When you add a vessel in the process of entering an operation, the system reserves the vessel record to you. If you delete the vessel from the operation, the record remains reserved to you, and no one else can use it for another operation.This continued record reservation allows for the possibility that you might cancel the deletion of the vessel and use the same vessel again. If the system had released the record reservation after you deleted the vessel from the operation, another user would be able to use the vessel, and you would no longer be able to.