Understanding Operation Details

You can begin to enter operation details after you have committed the operation header information. For ease of use, the system presents the different parts of the Edit Operation Detail form based on the definition of the configured operation and on the processing option settings.

The definition of the configured operation determines the types of information that you can enter. For example, if you enter in-place or administrative operations, the system does not display the To vessel grid. If a configured operation is set up for instructing resources, equipment, and consumables, you can enter this information for the operation you are creating. Otherwise, all or some of these data entry grids do not appear on the form. For example, for portable tank relocations, you can enter resources, but no equipment or consumables. For operations that are defined as QA operations in the base configuration, such as weigh tags and bills of lading, the system displays the Quality information area, and you can enter quality test results.

Note: One of the pieces of information that you can customize for configured operations is the title of the Edit Operation Detail form. If you define a form title that is specific to the configuration, the system displays this title when you launch the Edit Operation Detail form.This implementation guide refers to this form by its generic title because the configuration-specific title is user defined.

Use the processing options to define which areas of the form are displayed by default and which appear collapsed. For example, you can specify that the operation header appears collapsed after you click the Continue button. You can also specify that areas of the Edit Operation Detail form appear collapsed by default even though you can open these areas when needed.