P31B03E - Standalone Barrel Inquiry

The barrel inquiry enables you to view the details about the barrels and their contents for a range of barrels that you select. If you launch the inquiry from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Blend Management menu, you can search for barrels using the following header fields:

  • Facility.

  • Barrel Volume Status.

  • Operation Status.

  • From and To Barrel.

  • From and To Location.

  • From and To Rack Number.

  • From and Through Actual Start or End Date.

In addition, you can use the query by example (QBE) line of the grid to define additional search criteria, such as barrel type and age, toast level, barrel purchase order, barrel owner, virtual barrel tank number, blend ID, wine status, and material type, and instructed and summary attributes. For instructed and summary attributes, the system displays the descriptions that you set up in the Summary Attribute Definition (P31B40) and the Instructed Attribute Definition program (P31B40). After you have selected and defined the search criteria for the inquiry, the system displays all barrels matching these criteria.

When you run the barrel inquiry as a standalone program from the menu, the system retrieves barrel information from the Barrel Master table (F31B03). To retrieve the lot number that is associated with each barrel, the system reads the VBT Detail table (F31B101). Based on this lot number, the system can retrieve the lot attributes from the Blend Lot Master table (F31B31) to be displayed on the inquiry. In addition, the system compares the lot number that is associated with the barrel with the After blend lot number in the Operation Vessel Assignments table (F31B70) to retrieve the operation ID and the virtual barrel tank ID.