P31B03IE - Barrel Inquiry From Inventory Vessel View

When you access the barrel inquiry from the Inventory by Vessel View form, the system displays all the barrels that are associated with the VBT that you selected on the Inventory by Vessel View form, along with the blend lot information. You can select one or many VBTs for the inquiry. The Barrel Inquiry form does not display header filter fields, but you can use the QBE line in the grid to narrow the selection further. On this form, you can display only full or partially full barrels in the VBT, but no empty barrels.

When the Barrel Inquiry form appears, the system displays the VBT number, the operation number, and the lot attributes for the virtual barrel tanks that are selected on the Inventory by Vessel View form. Based on the lot number that is associated with the VBT, the system retrieves the barrels that are associated with the lot number from the F31B101 table and then the barrel details from the F31B03 table.

Note: When you access the Barrel Inquiry form from the Inventory by Vessel View form, the system displays the selected information based on the filter that is set on the Inventory by Vessel View form. If you narrow down the information by using the QBE line in the grid, you must click the Find button to refresh the data in the grid.