Quality Results for Blend Lots

Depending on the type of blend lot that you are reviewing on the Instruct Lot Attributes form, you can either just view quality test results or enter or modify them. For real lots, that is, lots that are created as a result of a blend operation in a vessel, the system displays the test data, including previous results, that you entered in the Quality area of the Edit Operation Detail form. You cannot revise this information on the After Quality tab on the Instruct Lot Attributes form.

If you selected a virtual lot on the Inventory by Vessel View form and then selected either the Copy Lot or the Edit Virtual Lot option from the Actions selection box, the system enables you to enter, revise, and delete quality results on the After Quality tab. The system does not display the Previous Result column for virtual lots.

For trial blend lots, you can maintain quality results on this tab as well. In addition, you can specify that test results should not be overridden as a result of future blend operations.

See Performing Trial Blending.