Retaining Lot Attribute Overrides

If you have overridden any lot attributes, but add a new vessel or remove a vessel that is used in an operation, the system generates new lot numbers and discards any manual overrides that you have entered. However, if you simply replace one vessel with another without a deletion, the system preserves the blend lot number and any associated overrides. These overrides remain the inputs into subsequent operations and the system does not recalculate them as long as you do not delete or add a vessel. You can override all lot attributes except quality results. The system retains quality results whether you change, add, or delete a vessel.

Note: You replace a vessel by typing a different vessel number over the existing vessel number. As soon as you use the Delete option, the system recalculates lot number and attributes. When you attempt to delete a vessel, the system displays a Delete Confirmation form to indicate that a deletion results in the loss of any lot attribute overrides.

If you are entering a one-to-one move operation using the One-to-One Move area of the Edit Operation Detail form, you can change the vessel number as often as you want to as long as you are in the process of adding the operation. If you change the vessel number later, the system recalculates the lot number and discards any overrides.

If you enter an operation using the Single From Vessel area of the Edit Operation Detail form, you cannot change vessels. You can remove a vessel, and as a result the system removes overrides and recalculates overridden lot attributes.

If you have entered overrides for the After lot of a To vessel and add additional From vessels, the system retains the overrides of the To vessel. If you add additional To vessels, the system retains only the overrides that you have already entered, but does not copy them to the additional vessels. You must enter overrides for these vessels manually.

This scenario is one example of how the system treats overrides when you change a vessel on an operation:

  1. You start with the following vessels and vessel content:

    Tank and Lot

    Lot Attributes - Blend ID




    100 GA



    200 GA



    300 GA

    The configured operation that you enter uses the blending rule Largest Contributing Lot that specifies that the blend ID from the largest lot is carried forward.

  2. You create an operation to move 60 gallons from tank 1 to tank 2. You also override the blend ID for the To After lot with the value Special Blend.

    As a result, the blend ID for the blend lot resulting from the move is Special Blend, whereas without the override it would have been 2008–SHZ-002.

  3. You change the To vessel to tank 3 by typing the new vessel number over the original vessel number in the To Vessel area of the Edit Operation Detail form.

    The system retains the Special Blend blend ID for the To After lot even in the changed vessel.

  4. You add a second To vessel.

    The system retains the override on tank 3, but does not copy it to the additional tank.