Understanding Lot Attribute Setup

Using lot attributes enables you to obtain detailed information that is pertinent to a lot of bulk material. Some information might be needed for legal purposes, while other information can be used for accounting purposes or for tracking the lot as it moves through the blend process. You can use this information to identify the status of the lot in the blend process or to identify information such as the geographic origin of the bulk material or the variety and harvest period.

In addition to the lot attributes that are discussed in this chapter, you set up a lot attribute for end-use reservation (EUR). You must set up EURs by harvest period upon implementation and then based on individual companies' business requirements in preparation for new harvest periods. For example, some companies might need to set up new EURs once per year. You can designate similar or related EURs as subordinate to a parent EUR. For example, a parent Cabernet EUR might have several subordinate EURs if the parent Cabernet is to be used in several Cabernet end lots.

See Defining EURs and Validating EUR Product Specifications.

EURs also enable you to track cost and quality attributes for lots.

See Setting Up CostingSetting Up Quality Management.