Understanding Work Orders and Templates

Work orders are used to group operations; they contain a set of information that is common to these operations. You create a work order and its associated operations manually or from a work order template.

When you create a work order or a template, the system generates a unique work order number using the next numbers that are defined in the winery constants, and stores the record in the Work Order Header table (F31B93). If you do not need a work order any more, you can cancel it. Because a work order is required to retain a record of work orders that were created in the system, you cannot delete work orders.

Note: In some situations, the system generates work orders automatically, for example, when you create operations from a list of vessels or when you create operations through interoperability transactions.

See Working With Blend Management Interoperability.

After creating the work order header, you add operations. You can create and associate operations at the time that you create the work order or you can do so later. You cannot associate existing operations with the work order. When you add operations to a work order, the default value for the instructed start date of the operation is today's date. You can override this value.

To add operations, you select a configured operation code. The configured operation provides a template for the new operation with default values from the blend facility setup. When you add operations to a work order, the system generates the operation IDs, but does not generate operation numbers until the status of the operation is active.

Note: The system displays the operations that you add to the work order sequenced by work order number, actual start date, and operation ID. On work order templates, operations are displayed in the same sequence.

Dependencies exist between the operations on a work order. When you copy a work order, the sequence of operations is retained. You can delete operations from a work order when the operation status is Planned or Draft. Whenever you add operations to or delete them from a work order, the system recalculates the dependencies.

When you create a work order and its operations from a template, you can use only one template. If you need additional operations that are not on the original template, you must add them manually to the new work order.