Work Order Status

The system provides five work order statuses: Planned, Draft, Active, Closed, and Canceled. The status of a work order is derived from the operations that you associate with the work order. You do not change the work order status manually. The system controls the work order status based on the following rules:

  • The work order status can move forward only—for example, from Draft to Active.

    Exception: If an associated operation is reversed to correct an error, the system can move the work order status back to Active.

  • If no operations have been associated with the work order or the associated operations are planned, the work order status is Planned.

  • If all the associated operations are at Draft status, the work order status is Draft.

  • If all the associated operations are at a Draft or Planned status, the work order status is Planned.

  • If all associated operations are at a closed or canceled status, the work order status is Closed.

  • If all associated operations are at Canceled status, the work order status is Canceled.

    Work orders are at Canceled status only if none of the associated operations is at Closed status.

To cancel or close a work order, you retrieve the work order and then close or cancel each operation individually. Once all operations are canceled or closed, you can use a batch program that enables you to update the work order status to Closed or Canceled. The Calculated Work Order Status program (R31B19) selects all active work orders and determines the new status, using the following rules:

  • If one of the operations on the work order is closed, but all the others are canceled, then the program updates the work order status to Closed.

  • If all operations are closed, the work order status is updated to Closed.

  • If all operations are canceled, the work order status is updated to Canceled.