Work Order Templates

To create work orders, you can also use work order templates. Templates are reusable instances of a work order and its associated operations. You can cancel a work order template, but you cannot delete it. The system provides three methods for creating templates:

  • Create a template manually.

  • Save a work order as a template.

  • Copy an existing template.

When you define a new work order template, you provide basically the same information as for a work order. The template number is generated using next numbers. The numbering scheme is defined by the winery constants of the blend facility for which you create the template. Templates are stored in the Work Order Header table (F31B93); the template indicator shows that the record is a work order template. Operations that are associated with a template are also identified by the template indicator.

In addition, you define template information, such as the template class. The system provides three template classes: global, winery, and user (Template Type UDC 31B/WL). Use global templates for standardized, regulated processes or to ensure consistency for products that are processed in multiple plants. Use facility templates to differentiate processing methods, equipment, styles, and other elements for a particular facility. You can configure user templates to an individual user's style of instructing work or to a particular end-use reservation. Template classes also enable security that is specific to the template class. Depending on the security setting by template class, you can modify and update work order templates.

Templates can have only one of two statuses: active or inactive. You can change the status back and forth; however, you can create new work orders only from active work order templates.

When you save an existing work order as a template, the system copies the work order header information, such as work order type, instructions, and comments, to the template. In addition, you must enter the template name, status, and class. For the operations that are associated with the work order from which you created the template, the system retains the following information:

  • Operation header (without the date).

  • Configured operation name.

  • Equipment (all details).

  • Resources (all details).

  • Consumables (all details except lot numbers).

  • Additives (all details except lot numbers).

  • Move rules.

  • Category codes.

  • Dependencies between operations in the same work order.

The system displays operations in the same sequence as on the work order: work order number, actual start date, and operation ID. The system does not generate operation numbers, end dates, and statuses for the template. The default value for the operation start date is today's date.

Finally, you can create a new work order template by copying and modifying an existing template.