
These processing options enable you to specify whether the system performs outbound interoperability processing and whether the system creates a record of a transaction before changes are made to the transaction.

1. Transaction Type

Specify the type of document for which you want the system to search.

The transaction type is a UDC (00/TT) that identifies the type of transaction, such as an invoice or a sales order. You can either enter the transaction type or select it from the Select User Defined Code form. The system uses the transaction type as the default. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not perform export processing.

2. Before/After Image Processing

Specify whether the system creates a record of a transaction after the transaction is changed, or whether the system creates records of a transaction before and after a transaction is changed. Values are:

Blank: Create a record of a transaction after changes.

1: Create two records, one record before changes and one record after changes.