Levels Tab

Select the Levels tab.

Tank Capacity

Enter the total volumetric storage capacity of a tank. Tank capacity consists of two fields. The first is the total storage capacity of the tank. The second is the unit of measure associated with the capacity measurement. The capacity is checked while receiving products and recording general stock movements. If you enter a value that is greater than the tank's capacity, the system displays an error message and will not allow you to record the transaction.

The system uses the unit of measure as the basic unit of measure for the tank.

All other volume units of measure associated with the tank must match this unit of measure.

If the dip type is slip tube or normal dip, then the Tank Capacity field is informational only. If the dip type is roto percent (for LPG bullets/spheres only), then liquid volume equals roto percent multiplied by gross capacity. Vapour space equals gross capacity minus liquid volume.