Measurements Tab

Select the Measurements tab.

Tank Height

Enter the distance from the bottom to the top of a tank and the unit of measure. These fields are display-only fields.


Enter a user-defined code that identifies strapping table increments (for example, centimeters, millimeters, half inches, or quarter inches). If the depot uses U.S. increments, you must enter FF in this field.

Dip Type

Enter a user-defined code from 39/DP that identifies the method of measurement that the system uses to calculate the volume from tank dips. Values are:

W: Wet Dip Reading

U: Ullage Dip Reading

R: Roto Gauge Percent Reading

S: Slip Tube Reading

E: Electronic Gauge Reading

If the Dip is E, you must select the user-defined code for Gauging Method as ambient volume, standard volume, or weight electronic.

Gauging Method

Enter a user-defined code that identifies the measuring method that the system uses to determine the quantity of liquid in the tank. Values are:

A: Ambient Volume - Electronic

H: Hydrostatic Gauging

M: Manual Dip

S: Standard Volume - Electronic

W: Weight - Electronic

X: Mechanical Gauging

If the Dip Type is E, you must select Gauging methods A,S, or W.

Apply Calc. (apply calculation)

Specify whether a floating roof calculation is required. This is a value in the detail column Floating Roof (FR) in Dip Volume Calculator.

Y or 1:: A floating roof calculation is applied.

Nor 0: No floating roof calculation is applied.

S or 2: Strapping already accounts for floating roof calculation. No floating roof calculation is required.

If you enter Y or 1, the system requires that you provide roof weight and floating height entries.


Enter the unit of measure for the roof weight. If you use a unit of measure that is not equal to kilograms, you must set up a conversion between the unit of measure and kilograms in the Standard Unit of Measure Conversion program. The Roof Weight field is required if the Floating Roof field is set to Y or 1. This value is used to calculate the roof displacement correction.