Understanding Volume Calculations from Dip Readings

You use the Dip Volume Calculator form to calculate volume for stock movements when you obtain dip readings based on tank strapping information.

Typically, a dip reading is taken before and after a movement occurs. After you enter these readings, the program calculates:

  • Ambient volume.

  • Standard volume.

  • Primary stock accounting unit (PSAU) volume.

  • Weight.

It also calculates the difference between the before and after quantities. An after dip that is lower than the before dip is considered a discharge from the tank. The reverse is considered a receipt of product.

When you enter before and after dip readings, the program uses the tank strapping information to calculate the ambient volume for each dip reading. The system takes the tank type and the dip type into account, and applies the floating roof displacement correction, if necessary.

You can calculate volume from dip readings while recording stock movements or receiving products, or as a single step from the Bulk Stock Management menu. When you calculate volume as a single step, the program acts as a calculation tool only. It does not store the values. When you use the Dip Volume Calculator program while recording stock movements or receiving products, the calculations are stored in the Bulk Product Transactions File table (F41511).

You can access the Dip Volume Calculator form directly from the Bulk Stock Management menu (G41501) or by selecting Dip/Meter from the row menu on any stock movement form on the Stock Movements menu (G415011). Alternatively, from the Purchase Order Receipts form, select Bulk, and then Dip Volume Calc from the Row menu.

For liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) products, the Dip Volume Calculator program:

  • Corrects the liquid volume to 15° Celsius using the LPG tables.

  • Calculates liquid mass (weight).

  • Determines the presence of inert gas that affects vapor density calculation.

  • Derives vapor density.

  • Calculates vapor mass (weight).

  • Calculates vapor volume.

  • Calculates volume as: total volume = liquid volume + vapor volume.

  • Calculates weight as: total weight = liquid weight + vapor weight.

  • Calculates the liquid volume from the strapping tables.