Volume Calculation for a Stock Movement

To calculate volume for a stock movement, use information from the tank strapping table and enter the dip readings. You must enter the dip readings in the same units that are set up in the system's tank strapping table: centimeters, feet or inches, and fractions. The calculation program will not convert dip readings.

You might not need to take tank strappings. Alternatively, you can enter the ambient volume directly in the Other Volume field. The program will convert ambient volume to standard volume. If you directly enter ambient volume, you must also enter the before and after dip readings as zero.

If the dip type is E for an electronic gauge reading, the system considers the gross dip readings that you enter as volumes, not strappings, and does not make strapping conversions. It only makes the conversion to standard volume. The program uses the unit of measure from the default tank strappings. You can enter electronic gauge readings in ambient volume, standard volume, or weight.

If you record an electronic reading in weight, enter the weight in the Gross Dip field. The Gauging Method in the Tank Master must be specified as W (weight). The program uses the entry as a weight (where the unit of measure is the weight unit of measure specified in the Item Master) and enters the appropriate amounts in the Bulk Item ledger.

If you are moving a large quantity of product, you can enter the Before reading now and record the After reading at a later time.

If you use an LPG item and if vapor calculations are active, the program processes the entry as if the entry has no vapor. If you enter a total weight (liquid + vapor), the program cannot determine which portion is liquid and which is vapor, so vapor calculations are invalid, regardless of whether vapor calculations are active.

When you calculate volume for a stock movement, the system performs volume calculations and retrieves values for these fields:

  • Ambient Volume

  • Volume - Standard

  • Weight Result

  • Quantity - Primary Stock Accounting Unit