Contract Commit

Specify how the system commits a contract on a detail line on a change request to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Contract and Service Billing system.

1. Process Mode

Specify whether the system runs the Contract Commit program in proof or final mode. You should run the program in proof mode before you run it in final mode so that you can view the report that the system generates. After you review the report and make any necessary changes, run the program in final mode. When you run the program in final mode, the system updates the appropriate tables and generates a report. Values are:

0: Proof mode.

1: Final mode.

2. Change Request Status Code for Revenue

Specify the detail status code that the system assigns to a contract account in a detail line when you commit the line item to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Contract and Service Billing System. Verify that the status code has been set up in the Change Request Detail Status Code Update program (P53101).

3. Revenue Values (Release 9.2 Update)

Specify how the change request revenue values should be committed to the Contract Billing system. Values are:

Blank: Use the change request revenue values.

If you are using only the Contract Billing system, you must enter a positive Revenue Final Amount, Unit Price, and Quantity on the change request. The change request revenue values will be processed as positive values in the Schedule of Values, Unit Price, and Quantity on the contract (P5202).

1: Reverse the sign of the change request revenue values.

If you are using both the Contract Billing and Job Cost systems, you can enter negative or positive Revenue Final Amounts, Unit Price, and Quantity. Negative revenue amounts will increase the Job Cost revenue budget amounts, and positive revenue amounts will decrease the Job Cost revenue budget. Contract commit will reverse the sign of the change request values in Revenue Final Amount, Unit Price, and Quantity.

4. Create Billing Cross Reference (Release 9.2 Update)
Specify how to create a cross reference in the Contract Billing System when a change request is committed. Valid values are:

1: Do not create cross reference in the Contract Billing System.

Blank: Create a cross reference in the Contract Billing System. This is the default option.