Specifying Which Accounts to Update

The system changes only the accounts that are at the status that you specify in the From fields to the status specified in the To fields. If you do not complete the From fields with a value other than *, the system changes all accounts to the status that you specify in the To fields. If you do not complete the To field for a specific account type, the system does not change any statuses for that account type.

For example, assume that two cost accounts have a status of Pending Cost Confirmation (detail status code = C) and two cost accounts have a status of Pending Owner Approval (detail status code = P). For this example, assume that the detail status code for an approval is A. If you enter C in the Cost Status From field and enter A in the Cost Status To field, the system updates only the accounts that are pending cost confirmation. If you do not change the detail status code in the Cost Status From field to a value other than *, but do complete the Cost Status To field with an A, the system changes all four accounts to approved. If you do not complete any of the cost status fields and complete only revenue fields, the system changes revenue statuses but does not change any cost statuses.