Understanding Global Status Updates

You can update the detail status codes for the accounts on change requests individually, or you can use the Global Status Update program (P53WIN) to update them. You access the Global Status Update program from the Form menu on the Change Request Entry, Planned Change Order, or Change Order Entry forms. The system also displays the Global Status Update form when you approve a PCO or a CO. Regardless of whether you access the Global Status Update form from the Change Request Entry program, the Planned Change Order Entry program, or the Change Order Entry program, you use the Global Status Update form to update the detail status codes for the accounts on change requests.

You can change the status of specific types of accounts (cost, revenue, and subcontract). You can change all accounts of a type to the same new status, or change only the accounts that have the same status code to a new status. For example, you can change all cost accounts to approved, or you can change to approved only the cost accounts that currently have a status of pending. If you specify that only the cost accounts with a specified status are updated, the system does not update the cost accounts that have a different status.

You can specify the general ledger date that you want to update. The program updates the Account Ledger table (F0911) for all records with the general ledger date that you specify. Leave the G/L field blank to use the system date. If you specify a date, change request detail lines must have the same date.