Basic Item Data

Select the Basic Item Data tab.

Item Number (Short), 2nd Item Number, and 3rd Item Number

Enter a number for the item that you are setting up. The system provides three separate item numbers as alternative item numbers. The first item number is an 8-digit, system-generated number. It is disabled. The second item number is a 25-digit, user-defined, alphanumeric item number. The third item number is another 25-digit, user-defined, alphanumeric item number.

Line Type

Enter a line type to control how the system processes lines on a transaction. It controls the systems with which the transaction interacts, such as JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Ledger, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Job Cost, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable, and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management. It also specifies the conditions under which a line prints on reports, and it is included in calculations. Values include:

S: Stock item

J: Job cost

N: Nonstock item

F: Freight

M: Miscellaneous charges and credits

Stocking Type

Enter a UDC (41/I) that indicates how you stock an item, for example, as finished goods or as raw materials. The following stocking types are hard-coded and you should not change them:

0: Phantom item

B: Bulk floor stock

C: Configured item

E: Emergency/corrective maintenance

F: Feature

K: Kit parent item

N: Bulk floor stock

The first character of Description 2 in the UDC table indicates whether the item is purchased or manufactured.

Planner Number

Enter the address number of the material planner for the item.

Buyer Number

Enter the address number of the person who is responsible for setting up and maintaining the correct stocking levels for the item.

Supplier Number

Enter the address number of the preferred provider of this item.

Std UOM Conversion (standard unit-of-measure conversion)

Enter 1 in this field if you want to use the standard unit of measure instead of the item-specific unit of measure.