
Select the Quantities tab.

Reorder Quantity

Displays the estimated reorder quantity for an item if not enough sales history is available for the system to accurately calculate a reorder quantity.

Maximum Reorder Qty (maximum reorder quantity)

Displays the maximum order quantity for an item. You can base the quantity on factors other than usage, such as perishability, storage capacity, and so forth. You can use the maximum order quantity to divide the sequence quantity in planning and sequencing.

Minimum Reorder Qty (minimum reorder quantity)

Displays the minimum order quantity for an item. You can base the quantity on factors other than usage, such as perishability, storage capacity, and so forth. You can use the minimum order quantity to divide the sequence quantity in planning and sequencing.

Reorder Point

Displays the item quantity at which replenishment should occur. Typically, replenishment occurs when the total quantity on hand plus the quantity on order falls to, or below, a specified quantity. You can enter this quantity, or the system can calculate it if sufficient sales history does not exist.

Multiple Order Quantity

The system uses the value that you enter in this field to generate multiple subsets of a work order if you want to produce the order in smaller lots than the quantity that the entire work order calls for. For example, if a work order has been generated for 1,000 pieces, and the work order multiple is set to 100, then ten sets of the work order for 100 pieces each print when the work order is released. All sets have the same work order number.

Safety Stock

Displays the quantity of stock that is kept on hand to cover high-side variations in demand.