Additional Information

Select the Additional Information tab.

The fields on this tab display item data if you have imported Item Branch records from Inventory Management.

Dispatch Group

Displays a UDC that identifies the dispatch group. A dispatch group is a grouping that you define for products according to the physical characteristics that are important when storing and transporting those products.

Order Policy Code

Displays a UDC that specifies the rules for inventory reordering in Requirements Planning and Procurement. Values are:

0: Reorder point.

1: Lot-for-lot or as required.

2: Fixed order quantity.

3: Economic order quantity.

4: Periods of supply.

5: Rate scheduled item.

These values are hard-coded.

Value Order Policy

Displays a value that the system uses in conjunction with the order policy code to represent one of the following values:

When you select order policy code 2, this value represents the fixed order quantity.

When you select order policy 4, this value represents the number of days of net requirements that the system uses to determine order size.

When you select order policy code 5, this value represents the desired inventory level.

When the ending available quantity is less than the desired inventory level, then the system issues an "increase rate to" message. When the ending available quantity is greater than the desired inventory level, then the system issues a "decrease rate to" message.

Planning Code

Displays a UDC to indicate how master production scheduling, material requirements planning, or distribution requirements planning processes this item. Values are:

0: Not Planned by MPS, MRP, or DRP.

1: Planned by MPS or DRP.

2: Planned by MRP.

3: Planned by MRP with additional independent forecast.

4: Planned by MPS, Parent in Planning Bill.

5: Planned by MPS, Component in Planning Bill.

These values are hard-coded.

Planning Fence Rule

The system uses this code in conjunction with the Planning Time Fence Days field to determine how forecast demand or actual customer demand is used. Values are:

C: Use customer demand before and the greater of forecast or customer demand after the time fence.

F: Use forecast before and forecast plus customer demand after the time fence.

G: Use the greater of forecast or customer demand before and forecast after the time fence

S: Use customer demand before the time fence and forecast after the time fence.

Planning Fence

Displays the number of days that the system uses in conjunction with the time fence rule to determine how the forecast is used. Displays the number of days after the start date when the time fence rule changes from the first rule to the second rule.

The system does not count the generation start date; that is, the day after the generation start date is day 1. For manufactured items, the system counts working days, as defined in the shop floor calendar. For purchased items, the system counts calendar days.

Freeze Fence

Displays he number of days from the generation start date within which the system does not generate action messages. The same rules apply as to the planning fence.

Message Display Fence

Displays the number of days after the generation start date within which the system should display order messages. The same rules apply as to the planning fence.

Setup Labor

Displays standard setup hours that you expect to incur in the normal completion of this item. This value is not affected by crew size.

Move/Queue Hours

Displays the total hours that an order is expected to be in queue at work centers and moving between work centers.

Commodity Code

Displays the commodity code for the item.

Round to Whole Number

Displays a code that determines whether the system performs rounding for planning purposes. Values are:

R: Round either up or down to the nearest whole number.

U: Round up to the nearest whole number.

Blank: Do not round.

Issue Type Code

Displays a UDC that indicates how the system issues each component in the bill of material from stock. Values are:

I: Manual issue

F: Floor stock

B: Backflush

U: Super backflush

S: Subcontract item

Blank: Shippable end item

You can issue a component in more than one way within a specific branch/plant by using different codes on the bill of material and the work order parts list. The bill of material code overrides the branch/plant value.

Time Basis

Enter a UDC (30/TB) that indicates how machine or labor hours are expressed for a product. Time basis codes identify the time basis or rate to be used for machine or labor hours that are entered for every routing step. For example, 25 hours per 1,000 pieces or 15 hours per 10,000 pieces. The system uses the values in the Description-2 field on the User Defined Codes form for costing and scheduling calculations. The description is what the code represents, but is not used in calculations.

Item Revision Level

Enter a revision level in this field; verify that the revision level of the routing for an item matches the revision level on the bill of material for the item.

Shrink Factor

Displays a fixed quantity or percentage that the system uses to determine inventory shrinkage for an item. The system increases the planned order quantity by this amount in MPS/MRP/DRP generation. The shrink factor method that you specify for the item determines whether the shrink factor is a percentage or a fixed quantity. If you are entering a percentage, enter 5 percent as 5.00 and 50 percent as 50.00.

Shrink Factor Method

Displays the value that determines whether the shrink factor that you enter for this item is a percentage or a fixed quantity. Values are:

%: Percentage of the order or requested quantity.

F: Fixed amount to be added to the quantity.

Leadtime Level

Displays the leadtime for an item at its assigned level in the production process. The system uses this value to calculate the start dates for work orders using fixed leadtimes. Level leadtime is different for purchased and manufactured items:

  • Purchased

    The number of calendar days that are required for the item to arrive at the branch/plant after the supplier receives the purchase order.

  • Manufactured

    The number of workdays that are required to complete the fabrication or assembly of an item after all the components are available.

You can enter level leadtime manually, or you can use the Leadtime Rollup program (R30822A) to calculate it. To calculate level leadtime using the Leadtime Rollup program, you must first enter a quantity in the Manufacturing Leadtime Quantity field.

Leadtime Manufacturing

Displays the total number of days that are required to build an item from its lowest level components to the final assembly. This value is the total of the level leadtimes for all manufactured items, plus the highest manufacturing leadtime for all its components. If all components are purchased, the manufacturing leadtime equals the item's level leadtime. Purchased item leadtimes are not included in the calculation of manufacturing leadtimes. You can enter the manufacturing leadtime manually, or you can have the system calculate it when you run the Leadtime Rollup program.

Leadtime Cumulative

Displays the total number of days that are required to build an item from its lowest level components to the final assembly. The system calculates the value differently for manufactured and purchased items.

  • Manufactured

    The total of all level leadtimes for all manufactured items, plus the highest cumulative leadtime of all its components.

  • Purchased

    The item's level leadtime. Leadtimes for purchased items are included in the calculation of cumulative leadtimes.

You can enter this value manually, or you can have the system calculate it when you run the Leadtime Rollup program.

Leadtime Per Unit

Displays the total number of hours that are required to build one unit as specified on the routing. This value is factored by the time basis code. You can enter this value manually, or you can have the system calculate it when you run the Leadtime Rollup program. The system overwrites this value when you run the Leadtime Rollup program. The system uses this field to calculate start dates for work orders when you use variable leadtimes.


Displays a code that determines whether the system uses fixed or variable leadtimes. This code works in conjunction with the value from either the Leadtime Level field or the Leadtime Per Unit field. Values are:

F: Fixed leadtime: Calculates work order start dates using the value from the Leadtime Level field.

V: Variable leadtime: Calculates work order start dates using the value from the Leadtime Per Unit field.

MFG Leadtime Quantity (manufacturing leadtime quantity)

Enter the quantity that determines the level leadtime for a manufactured item. Each of the routing steps for the item are extended by this quantity. For the system to calculate the level leadtime, the quantity in this field must be a value other than zero.

Replenishment Hours

Displays the time that is required until a replacement kanban is available to the consuming location from its supplying location. The system uses this value only for Kanban card processing in Shop Floor Management.

Sales - Inventory, Margin - Inventory, and Investment - Inventory

Displays a code that specifies this item's ABC ranking by sales amount, margin, or investment amount. Three types of ABC analysis exist—sales, margin, and on-hand value. Within each type of analysis, you can have three groups—A, B, and C. The ABC Code fields contain a percentage that tells the system how to define the A, B, and C groups for categorizing items during ABC analysis. Each group measures a total within the type of analysis. For all groups, the system compares the appropriate sales, margin, or on-hand value totals of a single item to the appropriate total for all items and calculates the value of each item. An item's value is its percentage of the appropriate total. The system then arranges the values of all items from highest to lowest value and accumulates the percentages. What happens next depends on the group:

  • A group: If an item's value causes the accumulated total to exceed the A accumulated percentage, the system assigns the item to the B group.

  • B group: When the accumulated total reaches the percentage that you entered for items in the A group, the system continues adding values until it reaches the percentage that you entered for items in the B group. The system assigns all items whose value falls between the A and B percentages to the B group.

  • C group: The C group consists of items whose accumulated value exceeds the B percentage. The percentage that you usually enter for the C group is .999.

Values are:

A: Assign this item to the first amount ranking.

B: Assign this item to the second amount ranking.

C: Assign this item to the third amount ranking.

D: Do not include this item when you run ABC analysis.