
These processing options specify how the system processes the budget information.

1. Mode

Specify whether to run the program in proof mode or in final mode. If you run the program in proof mode, the system generates a report, but does not update any tables. Values are:

1: Final

Blank: Proof

2. Budget Amount Ledger Type

Specify the budget amount ledger type to update. If you leave this processing option blank, the system automatically updates ledger type JA.

3. Job Cost Revisions Bypass GL Date Editing

Specify whether to bypass general ledger (GL) date editing. If the system does not edit the GL date, you can enter a later or earlier GL date without receiving error messages or warnings. Values are:

Blank: Do not bypass

1: Bypass

4. Job Cost Original Budget Update

Specify which years to update. F0902 records must exist for options 2 and blank. Values are:

1: Update current year only

2: Update all years

Blank: Update current and future years

5. Document Type

Specify the document type that is required as part of the key to automatic accounting instruction (AAI) table 3130 (Sub-Assembly/Finished Goods). The default document type is IC (inventory completion). The other key components (company, GL class code, and order type) come from the project. Use this AAI to retrieve the object account that is needed for the job cost upload.