Purchasing Classification Codes

Commodity Class

Enter a code from UDC table (41/P1) that represents an item property type or classification, such as commodity type or planning family. The system uses this code to sort and process like items.

This field is one of six classification categories that are available primarily for purchasing purposes.

Commodity Sub Class

Enter a code from UDC table (41/P2) that represents an item property type or classification, such as commodity type or planning family. The system uses this code to sort and process like items.

This field is one of six classification categories that are available primarily for purchasing purposes.

Supplier Rebate Code

Enter a code from UDC table (41/P3) that represents an item property type or classification, such as commodity type or planning family. The system uses this code to sort and process like items.

This field is one of six classification categories that are available primarily for purchasing purposes.

Master Planning Family

Enter a code from UDC table (41/P4) that represents an item property type or classification, such as commodity type or planning family. The system uses this code to sort and process like items.

This field is one of six classification categories that are available primarily for purchasing purposes.

Landed Cost Rule

Enter a code from UDC table (41/P5) that indicates the landed cost rule for an item.

The landed cost rule determines purchasing costs that exceed the actual price of an item, such as broker fees or commissions. You set up landed cost rules on the Landed Cost Revisions form.