Sales Classification Codes

Sales Catalog Section

Enter a code from UDC table (41/S1) that represents an item property type or classification, such as color or material content. The system uses this code to sort and process like items.

This field is one of 10 classification categories that are available primarily for sales purposes.

Sub Section

Enter a code from UDC table (41/S2) that represents an item property type or classification, such as color or material content. The system uses this code to sort and process like items.

This field is one of 10 classification categories that are available primarily for sales purposes.

Sales Category Code 3

Enter a code from UDC table (41/S3) that represents an item property type or classification, such as color or material content. The system uses this code to sort and process like items.

This field is one of 10 classification categories that are available primarily for sales purposes.

Sales Category Code 4

Enter a code from UDC table (41/S4) that represents an item property type or classification, such as color or material content. The system uses this code to sort and process like items.

This field is one of 10 classification categories that are available primarily for sales purposes.

Sales Category Code 5

Enter a code from UDC table (41/S5) that represents an item property type or classification, such as color or material content. The system uses this code to sort and process like items.

This field is one of 10 classification categories that are available primarily for sales purposes.

Preferred Sales Carrier

Enter the address number for the preferred carrier of the item. The supplier or the organization might prefer to assign item responsibility to a certain carrier because of route or special handling requirements.

This value serves as the carrier default when you enter a purchase order for the item.

Item Pool Code

Enter a code from UDC table (41/P0) that represents an item property type or classification, such as commodity type or planning family. The system uses this code to sort and process like items.

This field is one of six classification categories that are available primarily for purchasing purposes.

Category Code 6

Enter a code from UDC table (41/S6) that represents an item property type or classification, such as color or material content. The system uses this code to sort and process like items.

This field is one of 10 classification categories that are available primarily for sales purposes.

Category Code 7

Enter a code from UDC table (41/S7) that represents an item property type or classification, such as color or material content. The system uses this code to sort and process like items.

This field is one of 10 classification categories that are available primarily for sales purposes.

Category Code 8

Enter a code from UDC table (41/S8) that represents an item property type or classification, such as color or material content. The system uses this code to sort and process like items.

This field is one of 10 classification categories that are available primarily for sales purposes.

Category Code 9

Enter a code from UDC table (41/S9) that represents an item property type or classification, such as color or material content. The system uses this code to sort and process like items.

This field is one of 10 classification categories that are available primarily for sales purposes.

Category Code 10

Enter a code from UDC table (41/S0) that represents an item property type or classification, such as color or material content. The system uses this code to sort and process like items.

Use this field as one of 10 classification categories that are available primarily for sales purposes.