Reviewing Lot Quantities

Access the Lot Dates and Quantities form.

You can view the on-hand quantity, the available quantity, and the quantity that is held for each lot. You can also view up to six other quantity types, which you set up in UDC table (40/LQ). These quantity types might reflect the quantity of items:

  • Received

  • Issued

  • Adjusted

  • Completed

  • Approved

  • Sold

You set up UDC table (40/LQ) to indicate for which document types the system tracks lot quantities. You must associate each document type with one of the quantity type categories in the Lot Master (P4108) program.

For example, if you specify the Received category for document type OP (purchase orders) each time that you receive items on a purchase order, the system records the quantity to the Received category for the lot.

For certain items, you should enter grade and potency information. If you do not specify a grade or potency for items that require this information, the system uses the standard grade or potency from the Grade & Potency Profile Revisions form.