Viewing Lot Availability

Access the Work With Lot Availability form.

You can view the availability of items in a lot as well as the activity dates, item quantities, and hold statuses that pertain to the lot. Activity dates and item quantities reflect receipts, issues, sales, and so on for items in a lot

You can view lot availability for:

  • All items in a lot.

  • All lots that contain a specific item.

You can select to view only those items or lots for which on-hand balances are available. If the same item or lot appears more than once, each item or lot exists in a different location.

Display Lots with Qty on Hand (display lots with quantity on hand)

Enter an option that indicates whether the system displays all lots or lots with quantity on hand. A check mark indicates that the system displays only lots with quantity on hand.


A user defined code (41/L) that indicates the status of the lot. When NBLOTSTS is set to No or NBLOTSTS is not present in EnterpriseOne Control System program (P99410), you leave this field blank to indicate that the lot is approved. All the other codes indicate that the lot is on hold.

When NBLOTSTS is set to Yes, the lot status is validated by a special handling code in 41/L. All codes containing the special handling code 1 indicate that the lot is approved. All codes containing special handling codes other than 1 indicate that the lot is on hold.

On the Item/Location Information (P41024) or Location Lot Status Change (P4108) forms, you can assign a different status code to each location in which a lot resides.

Lot Status Code (Release 9.2 Update)

A user defined code (41/L) that indicates the status of the lot. When NBLOTSTS is set to No or NBLOTSTS is not present in EnterpriseOne Control System program (P99410), you leave this field blank to indicate that the lot is approved. All the other codes indicate that the lot is on hold.

When NBLOTSTS is set to Yes, the lot status is validated by a special handling code in 41/L. All codes containing the special handling code 1 indicate that the lot is approved. All codes containing special handling codes other than 1 indicate that the lot is on hold.

On the Item/Location Information (P41024) or Location Lot Status Change (P4108) forms, you can assign a different status code to each location in which a lot resides.

Location Hold Code (Release 9.2 Update)

A user-defined code (41/LS) that indicates the location’s hold code. When this field is left blank, the location is unrestricted. Also, if the special handling code of any UDC value is not 1, 2, 3, or 4, the location is unrestricted. See Allowing Inventory Locations to be Put on Hold (Release 9.2 Update).

Location Hold Code Description (Release 9.2 Update)

Displays the description of the selected Location Hold Code defined in the Location Master.

Expiration Date

Enter the date on which a lot of items expires.

The system automatically enters this date if you specified the shelf life days for the item on the Item Master Information or Item Branch/Plant Information forms.

The system calculates the expiration date by adding the number of shelf life days to the date that you receive the item.

You can commit inventory based on the lot expiration date for items. You select how the system commits inventory for an item on the Item Master Information or Item Branch/Plant Information forms.

Quantity On Hand

Enter the number of units that are physically in stock. The system displays the quantity on-hand in the primary unit of measure.

Quantity Available

Enter a number that indicates the quantity that is available. For example, the available quantity might consist of the on-hand quantity minus commitments, reservations, and backorders.

Availability is user-defined. You can set up availability in the Branch/Plant Constants (P41001) program.