Setting Up Price Cross-References for Related Items

Access the Item Cross Reference Revisions By Address form.

Note: You can optionally enter the effective date, expired date, cross-reference description, and customer supplier item revision level.
X-Ref Type (cross-reference type)

Enter a code from UDC table (41/DT) that identifies the type of cross-reference setup for this customer. Examples of cross-reference types include substitutes, replacements, and customer and supplier item numbers.

Address Number

Enter the address number of the customer or supplier. Leave this field blank to apply to all customers or suppliers.

Item Number

Enter a number that the system assigns to an item. It can be in short, long, or third item number format. The format is determined by branch/plant ALL. The item identifier that is blank is the primary item number. Enter the primary item number.

Cross Reference Item Number

Enter the cross-reference item number that the system assigns to an item number. A cross-reference number enables you to use a supplier's item number if it is different from the item number you use when you are processing an order or printing. You set up this number in the Item Cross-Reference program (P4104).

This item number is not validated against the Item Master because it may or may not be stored in the Item Master.

Expired Date

Enter the date on which a transaction, text message, agreement, obligation, or preference expired or was completed.

Cross Reference Description

Enter a remark about an item.

Customer Supplier Item Revision Level

Enter a reference number that is used to identify the revision level of the customer's item.

When using item cross-reference to translate a customer or supplier external item number to the internal short item number, the customer's number only is not always sufficient. In some instances, the customer part number must be used in conjunction with the item revision level. This combination enables the system to uniquely identify the customer's item.