Summary Quantity Information

You can access summary quantity information about each item based on the item number and branch/plant. You can also view the total quantity of items in any of these categories:

  • On-hand.

  • Held.

  • Hard committed and soft committed.

  • Available.

  • Purchase and work orders.

  • Backorders.

You can set the Truncate/Round processing option to specify the rounding method to use in calculations. The program rounds the calculation result to the number of decimal places that are specified in the data item Quantity On Hand - Primary Quantity (PQOH). The default value in the Display Decimals field is no decimals. When this data item has no display decimals, you do not see decimals in the resulting quantity on hand.

For example, assume that you have an item with eaches as a primary unit of measure. This item has a unit of measure conversion of 10 eaches to one box. Currently, you have six eaches in stock. If you change the UOM (unit of measure) field in the heading area of the Work With Item Availability form from EA (eaches) to BX (boxes), you might expect to see 6 (6 eaches) displayed as the quantity on hand. However, with no display decimals specified, the system does not display decimal quantities. The quantity depends on the rounding method that you select:

  • Round or round up method: 6 boxes (6 eaches) displays as 1 box.

  • Truncate method: 6 boxes (6 eaches) displays as 0 (zero) boxes.

You can change the rounding method on the Work With Item Availability form (Additional Selections 1 tab). In that case, the system interactively recalculates and displays the quantity.