Setting Up Soft Coding Templates

Access the Work with Soft Coding Templates form.

See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Business Services Development Guide

Access the Update Soft Coding Template form.

Note: The softcoding template endpoint value must be in the format that follows. Substitute the {OTMhost}:{OTMport} values with a valid url including the port for the endpoint of the web service to be consumed:{port-info}{stub-property}{name}javax.xml.rpc.service.endpoint.address{/name}{value}http://{OTMhost}:{OTMport}/GC3Services/IntXmlService/webservice{/value}{/stub-property}{/port-info}
Note: The softcoding template endpoint value must be in the format that follows. Substitute the {OTMhost}:{OTMport} values with a valid url including the port for the endpoint of the web service to be consumed:{scwls}{endpoint}http://{OTMhost}:{OTMport}/GC3Services/IntXmlService/call{/endpoint}{username}E1TEST.ADMIN{/username}{password}_||_password_||_{/password}{/scwls}

The template value or soft coding value is an XML string. The XML string may contain an element with the following dynamic variables:

  • $e1user

  • $e1environment

  • $e1role

  • $ps_token

During run time actual values replace the dynamic variable values.