Setting Up Web Service Soft Coding Records

Access the Work with Web Service Soft Coding Records form.

See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Business Services Development Guide

Access the Update Web Services Soft Coding Records form.

Note: The softcoding template endpoint value must be in the format that follows. Substitute the {OTMhost}:{OTMport} values with a valid url including the port for the endpoint of the web service to be consumed:{port-info}{stub-property}{name}javax.xml.rpc.service.endpoint.address{/name}{value}http://{OTMhost}:{OTMport}/GC3Services/IntXmlService/webservice{/value}{/stub-property}{/port-info}
Note: The softcoding template endpoint value must be in the format that follows. Substitute the {OTMhost}:{OTMport} values with a valid url including the port for the endpoint of the web service to be consumed:{scwls}{endpoint}http://{OTMhost}:{OTMport}/GC3Services/IntXmlService/call{/endpoint}{username}E1TEST.ADMIN{/username}{password}_||_password_||_{/password}{/scwls}

The template value or soft coding value is an XML string. The XML string may contain an element with the following dynamic variables:

  • $e1user

  • $e1environment

  • $e1role

  • $ps_token

During run time actual values replace the dynamic variable values.

Note: The softcoding template endpoint value must be in the format that follows. Substitute the {OTMhost}:{OTMport} values with a valid url including the port for the endpoint of the web service to be consumed:{scwls}{endpoint}http://{OTMhost}:{OTMport}/GC3Services/IntXmlService/call{/endpoint}{username}E1TEST.ADMIN{/username}{password}_||_password_||_{/password}{/scwls}