Understanding Production Number Reassignment

You use the Production Number Reassignment program (P34404) to reassign work orders, purchase orders, and inventory for production controlled items that do not have associated demand.

The Production Number Reassignment form contains the Production Numbers Without Demand grid and the following subforms:

  • Available Work Orders (S34404B)

  • Available Purchase Orders (S34404C)

  • Available Inventory (S34404D)

Using the Production Number Reassignment form, you can search for production controlled items that do not have associated demand. You review the related work orders, purchase orders, and inventory that are orphaned.

Note: You can reassign only orphaned production numbers. You cannot reassign production numbers associated with demand. You also cannot assign a production number to generic inventory.

QBE is enabled for all grids.

You search by production controlled item using the Item Number field in the header of the Production Number Reassignment form. The Reassign To field is a required but editable field. You can also use the QBE lines in the Production Numbers Without Demand grid. When you click Find, the system populates the Production Numbers Without Demand grid with all production numbers that do not have any associated demand.

The system determines demand by providing Set Selection on alias DMDFLG (demand flag) not equal to S (sales) and F (forecast) in the F34401 table.

When you select a record in the Production Numbers Without Demand grid, the system populates the relevant subforms with corresponding orders and inventory. If the table contains no matching records, then all grids are empty.

The Reassign To Production Number field is a required but editable field if the Reassign To Generic option is not selected. The system passes the original production number selected in the Production Numbers Without Demand grid and the new production number entered in the Reassign To Production Number field to all subforms when you select a grid row or change the production number in the Reassign To Production Number field.

The Reassign To Generic option enables you to reassign the supply orders and inventory associated with a production number to generic orders and inventory. By reassigning to generic, the system removes the production number from the supply orders and inventory. The orders and inventory become non-production controlled.

The system enables you to reassign all orders and inventory or to reassign selected orders and inventory. To reassign all orders and inventory, you enter a production number in the Reassign To Production Number field or select the Reassign To Generic option and then click the Reassign All button or select Reassign All from the Row menu. The system reassigns all orders and inventory to the specified production number or to generic.

To reassign selected orders and inventory, you enter a production number in the Reassign To Production Number field or select the Reassign To Generic option, select specific orders and inventory in the subforms, and then click the Reassign Selected button or select Reassign Selected from the Row menu. The system reassigns the selected orders and inventory to the specified production number or to generic.

You use the Available Work Orders subform to review only incomplete work orders associated with an original production number. The system suppresses completed work orders from appearing because completed items are in inventory and they appear in the Available Inventory subform. The system uses the condition of Qty Shipped (SOQS) less than Qty Ordered (UORG) in the F4801 table. The system retrieves the original production number selected in the Production Numbers Without Demand grid and new production numbers entered in the Reassign To Production Number field.

When you click the Reassign Work Orders button on the Available Work Orders subform, the Reassign Confirmation form appears. The system reassigns the selected records with the new production number and production number short in the F4801T table when you click Yes on the Reassign Confirmation form.

You can change the production number on a work order until parts list attachment and commitments. To change the production number, decommit the parts list, change the production number using the Production Number Reassignment program, reattach the parts list, and commit inventory.

You use the Available Purchase Orders subform to review only purchase orders associated with the original production number that have not been received. The system suppresses received orders from appearing because received items are in inventory and they appear in the Available Inventory subform. The system uses the condition of Qty Open (UOPN) greater than zero in the F4311 table. The system retrieves the original production number selected in the Production Numbers Without Demand grid and new production numbers entered in the Reassign To Production Number field.

When you click the Reassign Purchase Orders button on the Available Purchase Orders subform, the Reassign Confirmation form appears. The system reassigns the selected records with the new production number and production number short in the F4311 table when you click Yes on the Reassign Confirmation form.

You use the Available Inventory subform to review all inventory records available in the F41021T table that are associated with the original production number. The system displays only the records whose quantities are not zero. The system uses the condition of Primary Qty On Hand (PQOH) and Secondary Qty On Hand (SQOH) greater than zero in the F41021T table. The system retrieves the original production number selected in the Production Numbers Without Demand grid and new production numbers entered in the Reassign To Production Number field.

When you click the Reassign Inventory button on the Available Inventory subform, the Reassign Confirmation form appears. The system reassigns the selected records with the new production number and production number short in the F41021T table when you click Yes on the Reassign Confirmation form.

When you reassign orphaned orders and inventory, the system removes the orders and inventory from the grid when an active production number is assigned.

When performing production number reassignment, you can update multiple records within a subform at the same time.

Note: Partial quantity reassignment is not supported. You must reassign the entire quantity for a work order, purchase order, or on-hand inventory.

You can access the Production Number Reassignment program from the Production Number Workbench program while working with supply and demand for production controlled items. The system populates the item number and production number from the record selected in the Production Number Master grid on the Production Number Workbench form.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides record reservation capability within the Production Number Reassignment program. The system activates record reservation by work order and purchase order number so that only the Production Number Reassignment program can access the records when updating production numbers.

If a work order or purchase order associated with a production number is reserved by any of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne base applications, the Production Number Reassignment program issues a record reservation error message when another user attempts to reassign the orders.

Record reservation helps to ensure the integrity of the data and prevent data loss. To avoid simultaneous processing of the same records, the system reserves (locks) records for processing by any other program. Thus, the system does not allow you to edit a record that has been locked by a different user or application.

When a program that uses record reservation is interrupted, orphaned reservation records might remain in the Business Object Reservation table (F00095). This can occur, for example, when technicians are working with a server, or when a workstation shuts down without warning. If an interruption stops one of the programs in the Production Number Reassignment program before it releases the reservations that it creates, you cannot update the records until the orphaned reservations are removed.

You can use the Remove Business Object Reservation program (P00095) to release unwanted record reservations. This program stores reservation information in the Business Object Reservation table (F00095).