Partial Commit Rules

Partial commit rules enable you to specify whether the system soft commits inventory for partial order quantities to sales order lines. You use the Service Level Rules Maintenance program to specify whether the system reserves quantity on a line until more inventory becomes available to meet the line and order fill percent requirements.

If you do not set the flag to perform partial commitments, the inventory is available for other sales orders. When using order fill percent rules, the system must process all lines on the sales order with an associated order fill percent rule and determine whether the fulfilled quantity meets the order fill percent requirements. If the order does not meet the minimum order fill percent requirements, the system does not soft commit inventory to any of the lines on the order. For example:

  • Order quantity = 100

  • Line fill percent = 90

  • Available Quantity = 50

  • Partial commit = No

In this example, the 50 units available to be committed to the line remain available and the sales order line does not have any quantity soft committed. The system does not assign inventory to the line until at least 90 items are available to meet the 90 percent fill level.

Note: The system evaluates the partial commit rule during the auto fulfillment process only.